Volume 9 - "Convergence of MICRO-NANO-BIOTEHNOLOGIES"




This volume from the “Micro and Nanoengineering” series (edited by the Publishing House of the Romanian Academy) includes a selection of extended and up-dated papers presented at the Fifth Seminar of Nanoengineering and Nanotechnologies organized in 2 March 2006 by the Romanian Academy, Council for ERA (coordinator IMT-Bucharest).


Maria Zaharescu corresponding member of the Romanian Academy, is the head of Oxide MaterialsAcience Laboratory at the “Ilie Murgulescu” Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest Romania.
Emil Burzo corresponding member of the Romanian Academy, is professor at “Babes-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Lucia Dumitru PhD, is senior research in Microbiology, Head of Microbiology Center, Director of the Institute of Bilogy, Romanian Academy.
Irina Kleps PhD, is senior research and head of the Center of Nanotechnology from National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies (IMT-Bucharest), Romania.
Dan Dascalu member of the Romanian Academy, is professor of Electronic Engineering at the”Politehnica” University, Bucharest, Romania, and General Manager of the National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies (IMT-Bucharest), Romania.


This volume contains a selection of extended and up-dated papers presented at the Fifth National Seminar of Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies oranized in march 2006 by the Romanian Academy, Council for Scientific Research in Universities (CNCSIS) and having the support of the European Project ROMNET-ERA (coordinator IMT Bucharest). This event was putting a special accent on applications in the bio-medical field, illustrating the “convergence of micro-nano-biotechnologies”
The role of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology an emerging one in modern scientific advancement. Recent advances in nanobiomaterials and information technology are combining to enable the development of the devices and systems with potential effects on individual and public health and safety, as well as on the economic, business and commerce zone. The integration of nanostructures into the micro- and macroworlds is the key to the development and exploitation of the most nanotechnology products. On the other hand the integration of the biological components with micro and nanostructures gives a new potential to exploit the conceptual interface between biology and materials science. Presently, the tendency for scientists to look at nano scale for its possible benefits raises many issues about how small-scaled technological manipulations affect larger-scaled systems, such as the environment and even the human body.
Due to the breakthrough of nanoscience and nanotechnology in all science, the topics of the papers in this volume are various. The papers present novel results in different inter- and multidisciplinary fields, obtained in the frame of the Romanian Research Programs MATNANTECH and CEEX. Some of the papers presents results obtained in large consortiums, involving also partners from Porto University, Tor Vergata University – Rome, Glasgow University or Royal Institute of Technology – Stockholm.
Nanotechnologies is mentioned in several areas of the new FP7 and are highlighted in the thematic areas 3- “Information and communication technologies” and 4- “Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies”
The papers refers to fabrication, physical and chemical properties of nanoscale materials, atomic and nanoscale characterization including theory, modelling, simulation and experimental methods, application of functional nanostructures and nanoprocesses.
A group of seven papers from bio/nanotechnology field contributes to join the latest news related to topics such as controlled drugs delivery, nanostructure formation of seed storage protein, artificial chaperones, template nanomaterials in obtaining bioconjugated for medical applications, etc .
This publication is addressed to all interested people from research institutes, universities and companies and will be distributed to the university libraries.

The Editors gratefully acknowledge the support of the Romanian Academy and express their thanks to all contributors and people involved in publication of this volume.

The Editors,
June 2006


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